I finished the advent calendar, and just in time. It looks super cute if I do say so myself.
Over the last month I came up with a few more fun, bag decorating ideas.
#8's obvious inspiration is a snowman. I just drew an eight with sharpy and colored him in with crayon. I really like the home-made look.
Hot glued buttons give #1 and 9 a cute, home-spun look.
I let Jack help decorate a few, as can be seen on #3, 16, and 19. It gives a very unique, personal touch, and he gets to see his own art as a part of our decorations. And this is all for him, after all.
My very, favorites are the last two I made. It would be really cute to make a full set in either one of these designs. #22 and 23.
#22 is a collage of randomly cut strips of construction paper. I also cut the numbers free hand to add to the "blocky-ness."
#23 is inspired by all the fun, coffee filter decor on pinterest lately. I used the kind made for four cup coffee makers, and it turned out to be the perfect size for my bags. Just take a small stack of filters. Cut in towards the flat bottom. Cut out the circle. You now have a long, slightly curved, pleated strip. Cut this strip in half your strips are all the perfect length. Glue to the bag in individual layers from the bottom up. Stop a few inches from the top, where you want the fold to be. I also used a couple of the circles I cut out and a label sticker to make the number tag.
You may ask what happened to #24? Christmas is the 25th right? The plan is to open his Christmas Jammies that day, and I figured that would take a bigger bag.
I hope this gives you some fun ideas to play with or inspires something totally new! I sure had fun and I think Jack likes it too.
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